Saturday, March 12, 2011

Using a Mobile Phone to Call 911 from a Condo Building

There was an interesting article in the about someone calling 911 from a mobile phone.  The person needing help was eventually located, but not until the police and ER workers went door to door in the condo building looking for the caller.

Here is what happened, so you will know for your own emergency planning, or of a loved one who lives in a condo building.
  • The call came from a mobile phone, the caller gave the address, but said "I don't know" when asked for the apartment number.
  • If the call is made from a land line, both the apartment number and address will be shown.
  • When the call is made from a mobile phone, it uses "reverse-GPS" so only the addresses transmits.
"Bottom line: The emergency system does have an accurate way to track 911 calls if an exact location is verbally given or if the call is made on a land line.  But if a call is made from a mobile phone and information is sketchy, it's more difficult."

Barbara Abe, Realtor